Interlocks, extended WebRTC, Mac OS X UA
AntBrowser - antidetect browser, that can

15 April 2019 г. 20:10
Welcome, :UserName!
It is invaluable for us that you choose us every day and, in turn, we have prepared for you another batch of updates!
- possibility of manual editing public and local IP-addresses for WebRTC;
- added new section"My interlocks"
What is it?
Interlocks intended for "blocking" resource downloads and also "substitution"of data in them (by redirecting to your version of the file), for example javascript files, images, css-files, etc.
What is it for?
Interlocks will help you to disable unnecessary observer scripts, as well as, if necessary, nullify or replace the data to analyze your behavioral factors; - added ability to specify proxy server in IP / Domain format;
- redesigned logic of work localStorage;
- added auto-completion for Yandex Passport;
- added choice of user agents for Mac OS X;
- improved performance and uniqueness of profiles.
Stay with us and write in the section "I have an idea", and we will create browser of future together! After all, we are not looking for competition, we are creating an anti-detection anew for your convenience!
Team of AntBrowser.